$69.00 USD

Terms and Conditions:

In consideration of being permitted to participate in any way in the A LEAP OF FAITH NEVER FAILS as well as any related events or activities with ASCENSION ARTS, the undersigned, hereby acknowledge, understand and expressly agree as to the following:

  1. On behalf of myself, my spouse, my minor children, wards, relatives or other persons under my care, my parents, next of kin, my heirs, assigns, agents, personal representatives and estate, I hereby release, indemnify, and hold harmless ALUNA LUA, ROYAL TAJ, ASCENSION ARTS and their employees, agents, representatives, team members, as well as its owners, principals, employees, agents and representatives, with respect to any and all claims I now have or may have in the future resulting from injury, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional, or any loss or damage to person or property, of any kind, whether arising from the negligence of ALUNA LUA, ROYAL TAJ, ASCENSION ARTS to the fullest extent permitted by law. 
  2. I fully acknowledge that I am voluntarily participating in the Activities with knowledge of the danger involved, and I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of or others.
  3. I agree to comply with the stated and customary guidance and norms of participation in the Activities. If, however, I observe any unusual hazard during my presence or participation, I will immediately remove myself from participation in the Activities and bring such to the attention of the nearest official forthwith. 
  4. I understand and acknowledge that ALUNA LUA, ROYAL TAJ, ASCENSION ARTS are not acting in the capacity of physicians, psychologists, or healthcare professionals, and the Activities being offered are NOT intended to treat or diagnose, and does not include treatment for or diagnosis of, any illnesses, disease or disorders, whether physical, mental, psychological or emotional. 
  5. I represent and certify that I am in good health physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally, and fully understand and acknowledge that if I were not in such good health, I would not be permitted to partake in the Activities. As such, my representation and certification that I am in good health in each of the above-enumerated ways constitutes a material term upon which  ALUNA LUA and ROYAL TAJ are relying in permitting me to partake in the Activities.
  6. Although this Agreement fully and completely releases  ALUNA LUA, ROYAL TAJ and ASCENSION ARTS from any and all liability of any kind and of any nature in any way connected to, arising from, or relating to the Activities at issue, I further acknowledge and agree that to the extent that I violate the plain terms of this Agreement by filing a claim, suit or other action against ALUNA LUA, ROYAL TAJ and ASCENSION ARTS any such claim, suit or other action shall be filed solely and exclusively before the American Arbitration Association, as governed by the Commercial Rules of Arbitration, with the initiating party bearing the fees and costs associated with arbitration, and with the prevailing party entitled to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs associated with the arbitration. Any legal or equitable claim that may arise from participation in the above shall be resolved under California law. 
  7. I hereby give permission for images and video footage of myself, captured through video, photo and digital camera, to be used solely for the purposes of ASCENSION ARTS promotional material and publications, and waive any rights of compensation or ownership thereto.
  8. There are no refunds, transfers, or cancellations. By registering for this commitment, you agree to these terms.



To the extent that any portion, clause or aspect of this agreement is found to be invalid, void or unenforceable, all other portions, clauses or aspects of this agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 


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A Leap of Faith Never Fails



    The Miraculous Kambo Frog

    A Modern Approach to Plant Medicine Dietas

    The Art of Sacred Space-Holding
    The Path of Right Relationship


By purchasing this series, you will get lifetime access to this course + access to the exclusive Ascension Arts What's App Community Group.  


I knew it was going to be transformative but I didn’t realize it was going to change my whole mind, body and soul like this. I honestly feel like a new woman. I walked away from it feeling like I just had a spiritual awakening.

Kelly Pantaleoni

Before working with Lua I was always feeling overstimulated from herbal and medicine combinations in my training sessions. My chakras were always blasted wide open, allowing nearby energies to subtlety braid, without my authorization, into my energetic field. I was feeling dense, anxious and scattered. Now, more than ever before, I AM now cool, calm, collected, grounded, and SEALED within my own energetic force-field which developed into a stronger, more purified durable shield, fortified with Archangel Michæl’s blessings & protection. Within the 4 years working with Lua I was able to evolve and better understand the foundational importance of Kambo, alongside the other plant allies we had been working with. Lua had shown me the utmost importance in preparation and diet. Before I would smile, nod, and agree whilst still doing my own version of preparation and diet prior to our ceremonies together. But over the years and especially as of recently, coming out of the Kambo Body Bliss Cleanse, I understood the incredible necessity with following the specific protocols she laid out regarding sleep & diet prior and post ceremony. As I also still follow this very protocol to this day and will continue to. I’m incredibly grateful with the utmost eternal honor and gratitude to Archangel Lua. I absolutely recommend any and all her services, products, recommendations, and even suggestions as absolutely crucial to human evolution and evolvement. Lua is an Angel and I look forward to continuing to braid the sacred work we both represent with these plant allies, emphasizing an absolute prioritized MUST to Kambo being done ONLY with her every appropriate season that calls. To your eternal health, be well on your journey toward enlightenment.


Going into the Warrior Medicine ceremony (Sanange, Hape, and Kambo) with Lua I was feeling a little scared. I chose to do this medicine as a warm-up purge for an Ayahuasca retreat. My body wasn't comfortable with purging, and I felt I needed practice. The experience was so much more than a warm-up for something else. Lua's approach to the medicine ceremony was very thoughtful. The practices of smudging, vocal yoga, and intention setting both calmed my nervous system and increased my comfort level in the space and with Lua. As a person who spends a lot of time in my head, all three medicines got me into my body. As someone who resonates with the spiritual warrior archetype, I am comfortable taking a harder path to have breakthroughs. These medicines are not for folks who like to take the easy way. They are challenging, temporarily painful, and cleansing. On the other side of the medicine, I experienced a feeling of openness. It was as if I had removed some blocks inside of me to allow space for new thoughts, ideas, and creations to flow through me. Following the warrior medicines, my partner joined us for a Santa Maria ceremony. Lua gracefully opened up the space for him to be able to join us for that part of the work, and we moved as a group through meditation, song, and dance. We finished with the most delicious vegan wrap I've ever had. I highly recommend Lua and her ceremonies to other spiritual warriors who feel called to connect (or reconnect) with their strength and cleanse their vessel. I felt safely held throughout the entire experience. She shows up as present, caring, and intuitive. We shared such a special day, and I am forever grateful.

Jenny Banner

Within the time period of working with Lua, I was able to heal and grow in ways I never imagined. Lua is a true earth Angel who embodies the wisdom of the medicines she serves. Her song, prayer, energy and ritual are a pure channel of Love. If you are looking for an ultimate spiritual cleanse for your heart, mind, body and spirit I definitely recommend working with Lua and doing the Kambo Body Bliss Initiation. My body feels alive and activated. I am physically lighter, stronger and have more energy. I’m sleeping sound, dreaming nightly and automatically waking up early moring before the sun rises. My mind feels fresh, clear and present. I swear my brain is working better overall. My anxieties are softer and negative emotions transmuted. I am recharged to take on life’s challenges and my creative visions with more embodied joy, courage, presence and grace. I’m so grateful I jumped in and said yes to Lua and her sacred offerings.
