$1,557.00 USD

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Ascension Academy - Signature Offering Incubator

6-month Group Coaching Program for Creative Professionals to Develop their Signature Offering and thrive in their business

Hosted by Aluna Lua



  • 12 x 120min Group Calls
  • Group Chat Support
  • 6 months access to Content Library (70+ video trainings)



6 worksheets that will accelerate your journey high speed:

  • Clarify your Soulmate client
  • Build your Client's Journey
  • Do your marketing research
  • Create your value proposition
  • Study your competitors



There are no refunds, transfers, or cancellations. By registering for this commitment, you agree to these terms.

What People Are Saying:

My work with Lua and Taj has been transformative for my business and personal growth. The skills and professional connections I gained brought me incredible opportunities such as working at music festivals, medicine ceremonies and private events. I am much more confident in my business and the way I relate to my work and my abundance is forever changed. Viva Ascension Academy!

Lauren Hernandez

Lua has changed my life from the moment I’ve met her. A serendipitous meeting within Camp Zendo at Burning Man is what ignited my current path with her as my plant medicine guardian, mentor, coach and friend. Working with Lua has helped me to see my infinite potential, explore the depths of my trauma and offer myself loving compassion. I know I am more confident, more self-trusting and more connected to my faith because of my work with her. Additionally I have seen improvement in my decision making and confidence as an entrepreneur and coach thanks to our sessions dedicated to developing my business model.

Andrea Rocha

Lua changed my life in more ways than I have words for. She showed me first-hand how powerful a person is when they live in alignment with Source, their dharma and their highest self. Though she taught me so much about integration, trauma-informed work, guardianship, coaching and having a healthy lifestyle, she taught me even more by leading my example. Through working with Lua, I know what the potential of ascension looks like because she lives it and breathes it. I am inspired by who and how she is, not just what she does.

Jade Michael