1. How to reset your health at home

2. Learn the hacks of plant based living

3. Rebirth your inner dancer


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Special Invitation from Lua


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  • Have you ever thought plant-based living was difficult, expensive or boring?

  • Do you ever find yourself feeling emotionally attached to certain foods and unhealthy behaviors?

  • Are you tired of attempting different methods to get in shape that don’t seem to work for you? 

Most would agree that a healthy lifestyle is to balance nutrition with exercise. But it’s easier said than done, right?

In a busy and fast-paced society, it can be easy to consume food, drugs, or participate in unhealthy habits, as a way to escape reality, and hide from our own feelings.

Where information and resourcing is oversaturated and even overwhelming at times, it can be challenging to know what is the best diet to follow. 

Additionally, mass programming and marketing of the food/beverage industries has been conditioning you to feed yourself based on messages that you have been following unconsciously

With this lack of awareness, you end up losing connection with your body and the relationship between our desires, emotions and culture.

This has become an international issue, resulting in our suffering of symptoms from over acidic diet, like aging, bloating, Inflammation, allergies, mental illness, stress, fatigue, digestive issues, hormonal disorder, depression or any other sign that stems from imbalance or disease


You are all predisposed to chemicals present in the air, water and soil that cultivate parasites in the digestive system that can only be eliminated with a healthy eating and hydration. These parasites live in an acidic environment and have their own consciousness. They have influence over your thoughts and desires and sabotage your nutrition.

Conscious fasting and cleansing can  not only be a physical reset, but also an emotional, mental and spiritual process. Thoughts, feelings, and memories are brought up to the surface, giving you a chance to heal and release what no longer serves you anymore.

The body has the capacity to heal itself when we give a break to the external desires, developing your ability to create energy from vital life force instead of from food and substances. 

Watch some of the results:


"BBC has helped guide me to live a healthier lifestyle almost effortlessly. I did both BBCs, lost 33 lbs and my skin completely cleared up! I feel like as if I gained years of my life and look so much younger. I have come back with more knowledge from my own body that I may have never learned otherwise." 
Leah B

"I'm forever grateful for BBC! I lost over 8 lbs and felt my body filled with life and energy while it became lighter. I actually have MORE energy than when I drank coffee and I feel more confident in myself to make choices that are good for my body. My favorite part was the community!"
Ericka R


"Aluna Lua is a rockstar goddess with a heart of heavenly gold! BBC is next level, total game changer! I've lost 15 lbs and feel more connected to Spirit. I feel so much more powerful, abundant, and alive!"
Madaly A

"BBC is more like an Ascension Portal than a Detox Program! A platform created by Angels as a gift to humanity. When I had meat and alcohol again the taste and feeling did not please me anymore. I did both BBCs and lost over 10lbs!"
Nat L


  1. The BBC is a program designed to take the complicated guesswork out of your health journey and is masterfully guided by Lua to help you achieve your highest potential.

  2. Plant-based living can be tasty, affordable and fun when we finally fall in love with discovering all the “life hacks”, alternatives and food combinations that don’t leave us craving the junk and relying on substances like coffee and energy drinks to “keep us going”.
  3. We will go on a 10-day journey of flushing our digestive system organs with a simple and efficient protocol using natural products at home that is focused on the kidneys, colon and liver. 

  4. You do not need to do this alone! The Body Bliss Army is a community of wild light workers that honor the power of accountability, support and integration. The process of purging our old selves is healing and effortless once held in a safe container (and way more fun too!).

  5. We will be sharing raw vegan fusion recipes and classes to educate you on the most relevant aspects of this path and leave you well prepared to maintain your body bliss lifestyle.

  6. We have awesome classes on yoga, dance, breath work and voice to support our healing journey on multiple levels.


  • Learn Raw Vegan Fusion Recipes 
  • Demystify the mysteries of nutrition
  • Learn health hacks of the human biocomputer 
  • Improve metabolism and lose weight effortlessly 
  • Boost immune system 
  • Reverse the signs of aging
  • Sleep more fully and increase energy levels
  • Release stress, old patterns and emotions 
  • Transmute cravings and addictive behavior into sovereign power 
  • Heal your body through a devotional movement practice
  • Receive support, guidance and accountability from a powerful community of success-driven souls
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About Host:



Aluna Lua is the founder and CEO of the multimedia production company Ascension Arts. She works as a performing artist, speaker, ceremony guide, plant medicine integration coach and expert Tobacco Keeper and Kambo practitioner.

Lua is from Brazil and was raised as a performance artist and dancer in Sao Paulo. After 14 years of deep initiations with the Santo Daime church and multiple indigenous tribes in Brazil and South America, Lua now lives in Los Angeles and serves her community as a respected ally of of indigenous communities, guardian of the medicines and trusted ceremony facilitator.

As a successful entrepreneur, Lua has developed a passion in teaching sacred business, creative direction and branding with the intention of supporting her clients to generate sustainable wealth, live in sacred reciprocity with wisdom keeper and create positive impact in the world with beautiful art.

Receive a blessing from Lua now:


I Want To Personally Connect To Learn More!

Book a Call With Lua Now!

Watch an example of what you are going to learn:


It’s time to take charge of your own health and well being

Let’s dive deep into the foundation of our happiness, our sacred vessels, and rise together! 

Get ready to challenge your beliefs, try new things and expand everything you know about yourself!  

Join The Body Bliss Army & embrace the light warrior you are here to be!

Sign me up now!

"Having someone guiding me and a group sharing their vulnerabilities made such a difference. I was shocked, beyond, at how many stones my body released. Instant results! I was glowing, I felt like I look five years younger. I cannot praise this program enough!"
Jena L

"The BBC was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! It was a proper 10-day ritual. The dance classes were a total bliss! My cravings for sugar disappeared and I created a love relationship with my body. It was life changing. I felt amazing, I lost about 8lb.  
Jessica T


"Lua provided us so much information about our organs and their function, nutrition, and breath work. I connected to my higher self and purpose and connected my spiritual path with my dance. I felt an angelic support and safety. It brought so many new healthy habits to my life."
Nat L

"I knew it was going to be transformative but I didn’t realize it was going to change my whole mind, body and soul like this. I honestly feel like a new woman. I walked away from it feeling like I just had a spiritual awakening."
Kelly P


"It wasn't difficult, but an easy release of old patterns. I was happy to release 1000's of gallstones. I learned that there is not much more that I need to bring more happiness into my life. I can't wait to do this again." 
Danielle L

"She really created a ceremonial container. I had a weird sensation around my gallbladder before and after the cleanse it was completely gone. I see myself doing this every year for the rest of my life. It's a brilliant program, incredibly affordable, I got so much out of the content! You are in great hands with Lua."
David D

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